כשתראו את ראשם מבצבץ לפתע מתוך המים, תבינו מיד מדוע צבי הים - הענקים העדינים, הם בעלי חיים אהובים ומסקרנים כל כך. בריכת הצבים בפארק מדמה את תנאי הטבע וחיים בה מעל 10 צבים משני סוגים.
בשנים האחרונות בקעו בה עשרות צבים, אותם אנחנו מגדלים ומשחררים לים בבגרותם ובכך תורמים להגדלת אוכלוסיית הצבים, המוגדרים כבעלי חיים מוגנים.
התנהלות האדם במשך השנים, גרמה לכך שכל שמונת מיני צבי הים החיים בעולם, כמעט ונעלמו ונמצאים בסכנת הכחדה.
קראו עוד על צב הים הירוק
Carangidae or the Giant Trevally are one of the biggest fish in our Park.
Although obviously not turtles, the carangidae in the Underwater Observatory live alongside our turtle residents, in the same habitat, which is why we have included them here.
They are fast swimmers and are silver-grey with dark spots. The males can change their color from silver-grey to black.
They live mostly in schools; the young in shallow waters and the adults in the deep open sea.
The growth-rate of the individual fish is very rapid in comparison to other fish.
Hawksbill Turtles can be identified by their pointed heads.
In the wild, Hawksbill turtles are predators that feed on soft corals, sponges and jellyfish. Here, in the Underwater Observatory Park, they feed on various types of squid and other invertebrates, and fish such as sardines, tuna and cod.
Like a real carnivore, they come to dinner prepared and have 2 nails on their front limbs that help them cut their food.
Hawksbill turtles can reach a weight of 100 kg and their life span is approximately 90 years.
Green Turtles can be easily distinguished from other turtles in Turtle Island, by their rounded heads and large size - they weigh upto 300kg.
These turtles are vegetarian, and in their natural habitat, they feed on seaweed, jellyfish and seagrass.
Here, in our park, they eat lettuce - the perfect, nutritional substitute and similar to kelp.
Who knows, maybe their vegetarian diet may add to their long life spans as these turtles can live up to 250 years?
When you visit, look out for Hannah, the largest turtle in the park. Hannah likes to rub the top of her shell and when the divers work in the pool, Hannah will rub against them .