מתחם ובו 35 אקווריומים בהם תוכלו לפגוש מעל 800 סוגי דגים נדירים ויפהפיים, אלמוגים ובעלי חיים מופלאים. הסיור במתחם יאפשר לכם להכיר דגים צבעוניים עם סיפורים מרתקים, טורפים ערמומיים, חסרי חוליות יפהפיים, וגם - לצפות ב"מופע" מדוזות מהפנט ובתצוגת חושך החושפת שפע נסתר וססגוני של בעלי חיים זוהרים.
דג הפתיונאי מפתה דגים קטנים באמצעות "חכה" המחוברת לפיו וטורף אותם כשהם מתקרבים אליה.
Stonefish are one of the most dangerous fish in the Red Sea.
Stonefish are camouflaged by their stone-like appearance and lack of movement. This makes them barely visible on the sea floor.
Whilst this camouflage helps them hunt for food, it is dangerous for anyone in the sea, who can easily be stung by the poisonous spines on its back.
A sting from a stonefish needs immediate treatment.
Seahorses are a true phenomenom of nature.
They are the only known creatures on planet earth where the males carry and give birth to baby seahorses, not the females.
Yes, as mind-boggling as it is - the boys have the the babies.
Not only that, their mating habits are fascinating! In the mating season, the female and the male perform a ritual dance for three days before the female deposits her eggs in a breeding pouch on the male’s abdomen.
The male fertilizes the eggs and then remains in a “male gestation period” for two weeks, after which the newborns are released.
Anthias live in schools and like 2% of all fish, are gender fluid.
They are all born female and they change their sex according to the needs of their community or "school".
True to its middle eastern orgins, the male retains a harem of ten females. After he dies, this all changes and he is replaced by the largest, strongest and most dominant female who herself, experiences a remarkable sex reversal - taking his place as head of the group.
The males and females can be distinguished according to coloring. The males are large and dark, while the females are small, orange and lighter colored.
The Lionfish belongs to the Scorpion fish family, a predatory fish with venomous spines on their back. They use these as protection from attackers.
They can live without food for up to 3 months, only losing 10% of their body mass. Due to their large fins, Lionfish are one of the slowest moving fish.
Lionfish are invasive and are colonizing both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, currently breeding at a phenomenal rate.
The Frogfish has a strange appearance and a tactical and sophisticated hunting method.
As a member of the Angler Fish family, the Frogfish, has a sponge-like appearance. The method that the Frogfish uses to hunt is fascinating and complex: First, the Frogfish changes colour to match the environment and then it tries to attract its prey by dangling a 'lure' as bait before it attacks at a tremendous speed!
In the Red Sea, the Frogfish is usually a black colour, but may also be found in shades of red and white.
The Octopus belongs to the eight-limbed mollusc family.
Octopuses are territorial and are highly intelligent creatures. They develop deep and personal connections with their caregivers and demand a lot of attention.
Amazing to see, and the ultimate in 'smoke and mirrors acts', when they are in danger, the octopus has a range of diversionary tactics: They have the ability to change colours with incredible speed and the “ink-sac” releases a black fluid that acts as a smoke screen.
לתמנון, השייך למשפחת הרכיכות, שמונה זרועות.
"שק הדיו" - בלוטה דמויית שק המצויה בגופו, מפרישה למים נוזל שחור המשמש לו הסוואה בשעת סכנה.
התמנונים הינם טריטוריאלים ונחשבים לבעלי חיים אינטליגנטים.
הם מפתחים קשר אישי עמוק עם המטפלים שלהם ודורשים
תשומת לב מרובה. לתמנונים יכולת להחליף צבעים במהירות
מדהימה בשעת סכנה ובעונת הרבייה.